
We can help you with all the equipment you need. Ask about the available kayaks. If we don't have the kayak you want we can help you get it. If you travel to Ecuador we recommend you bring your own kayak and equipment if possible. Most airlines charge extra for transporting a kayak. Find out the policies on sports equipment with your airline before traveling to Ecuador. If you want to sell your kayak we can buy it. Ask about our kayaks for sale too.

Gear for rent here
Kayaks per day
Dry top
Hammock tent
Sleeping bags
Gas stove
Heat gun + repair kit
Inflatable kayak 2pax
Raft 14´´
The kayaker's guide in Ecuador book

If you want to store your kayak and equipment safely in our warehouse until your next trip to Ecuador, you can do very cheap.
You can also store your kayak in our warehouse and offer it until you sell it for as long as you want.
We offer a safe place for you to leave all your equipment so you can return next season and not have to travel with your kayak on the plane again.

Equipment donation
If you want to support the Kayak Club Ecuador project you can donate any equipment that will later be used for our local education program. We train new Ecuadorian talents to represent the country in international kayak slalom events.


